NuVet Labs

About Our Partner

NuVet Labs® mission is to keep beloved companions around the world healthy throughout their years by providing the pet industry with safe and natural products. Using a dedicated team of top scientific, medical and pet industry professionals, NuVet Labs® developed a proprietary supplement to provide pets with the best immune system support possible in order to combat the ever growing pet health dilemma. What makes NuVet Labs® stand out is their use of human-grade, natural ingredients for their products which are made in an FDA registered laboratory in the United States. We highly encourage you to learn more about this incredible industry frontrunner by visiting their website and browsing their Frequently Asked Questions.

Our Personal Experience

I had the pleasure of working at NuVet Labs® in Westlake Village for a few years before our big move out of the city and out to the California countryside. Words can’t even begin to express how grateful I am to have gotten to know this company intimately inside and out. It’s given me great confidence in their products, knowing that not only are we nourishing our dogs’ with the safest, natural supplement out there, but that these supplements actually work. As a Customer Service representative, I listened to countless testimonials of pets whose lives had greatly improved while taking NuVet® supplements. We also witnessed first-hand a close friend’s Cocker Spaniel’s improvement with her seizure disorder in just a few short months. As for our own dogs, we’ve had each of them on both NuVet Plus and NuJoint Plus as a preventative measure since they were all puppies. We’re thankful for the protection it offers their immune systems as they age in a world full of illness and pollution. We also exclusively use the NuVet Oatmeal Conditioning Shampoo at the first sign of fleas and have never had to use any sort of chemical pest control (but that’s just our experience!). Needless to say, we cannot recommend NuVet Labs® enough and we wholeheartedly believe in the power of their products, which we have used extensively.

Shop Our Partner

You can shop the entire line of NuVet Labs® products online or by calling their toll-free number 1 (800) 474-7044. Be sure to use order code 60000 to set up your online account or let your Customer Service representative know Danie Coote sent you!